TM 9-2320-279-34-2
Axles No. 3 and No. 4 Maintenance Instructions (Cont)
Model 650 axle on M984E1 does not use lockwashers.
(65) Apply thread locking compound and install six
screws (41 ) and lockwashers (42) to differential
carrier (2). Tighten screws to 160 to 176 lb-ft
(217 to 239 N·m).
(66) Apply coat of sealing compound all the way around
outside edge of shims (40).
(67) Lubricate bearing cones (5 and 7) with
oil and install bearing cups (43 and 44)
on bearings.
Ring gear must be tilted to clear casting inside carrier.
Attach suitable lifting device to ring gear (9).
Soldier A guides assembled ring gear (9) in differential
carrier (2) until ring gear teeth mesh with pinion inside
carrier while Soldier B operates lifting device.
Remove lifting device.