TM 9-2320-279-34-1
Transmission Maintenance Instructions (Cont)
Adhesives, solvents, and sealing compounds can burn easily, can give off harmful
vapors, and are harmful to skin and clothing. To avoid injury or death, keep away
from open fire and use in well-ventilated area. If adhesive, solvent, or sealing
compound gets on skin or clothing, wash immediately with soap and water.
Clean all parts in drycleaning solvent.
Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi (207 kPa). Use
only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment, goggles,
shield, and gloves.
Use clean lint free cloth or compressed air to dry parts cleaned with drycleaning solvent.
Inspect parts for damage. Replace damaged parts.
Coat all parts with lubricating oil.
d. Assembly.
Position stator (1) on work surface, rear
side upward.
Install thrust bearing race (2) in
stator (1).
Install stator roller holder
against thrust bearing race
(2) so string of stator roller
holder hangs out bottom of
stator (1).
Roller springs must be installed as
shown in illustration. On later
models install the spring with bends
against stator thrust washers (Style
A). The ends of the spring can be up
or down against the roller. Earlier
models require the end of the spring
to be against the roller with bends
toward the freewheel roller race
(Style B).
Install 10 roller springs (3)
and rollers (4) in stator cam
pockets (5).
Change 3