TM 9-2320-279-34-1
Change 5
Electrical System Maintenance Instructions (Cont)
Touch negative (--) test lead to bare
metal surface on negative rectifier (3).
If multimeter does not indicate infinity in step
(6), positive rectifier is defective. Replace
Touch positive (+) test lead separately to
each of three eyelet terminals (2).
Touch positive (+) test lead to bare metal
surface on negative rectifier (3).
If multimeter does not indicate low resistance
in step (8), positive rectifier is defective.
Replace rectifier.
Touch negative (--) test lead separately to
each of three eyelet terminals (2).
If resistance reading in step (9) is low, stator is
grounded and requires replacement.
Touch one test lead to bare metal surface
of stator (4) and other test lead
separately to each pair of three stator
ring terminals (5, 6, and 7).
If resistance is not 1.0 ohm or less, stator is
defective. Replace stator.
Touch test leads to pairs of stator ring
terminals (5 and 6), (6 and 7), and (5
and 7), and read resistance across each
set of terminals.