TM 9-2320-279-34-1
Axles No. 1 and No. 2 Maintenance lnstructions (Cont)
A correct gear pattern for a used pinion and ring gear is clear of the toe and
centers evenly along the face of gear tooth, but can be any length and shape
and is acceptable as long as pattern does not run off gear tooth at any point.
If gear pattern was correct at disassembly, then gear pattern after assembly
should be the same.
If pattern is not the same, review steps (84) through (87) and adjust backlash as
required until pattern that was recorded at disassembly is reached.
If pattern was incorrect (pattern runs off gear tooth) at disassembly then, after
assembly, review steps (84) through (87) and adjust backlash as required until
correct gear pattern (pattern does not run off gear teeth) is reached.
Remember, a correct gear pattern for a used pinion and ring gear does not have
to match PATTERN A (correct pattern for new gearing).
If new pinion and ring gear are used, tooth pattern should be like correct
pattern A above. If tooth pattern does not look like A, check patterns B
through E to find one that looks close to ring gear tooth pattern, then do step
that follows incorrect pattern.
(83) If tooth contact is like pattern A, do not adjust. Go to step (88).