TM 9-2320-279-20-3
Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (CBR) Equipment Maintenance Instructions (Cont)
After Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical (NBC) exposure of vehicle, all air filters
shall be handled with extreme caution. Unprotected personnel may experience
injury or death if residual toxic agents or radioactive material are present. If
vehicle is exposed to chemical or biological agents, servicing personnel shall wear
protective mask, hood, protective overgarments, and chemical protective gloves
and boots in accordance with TM 10-277. All contaminated air filters shall be
placed in double-lined plastic bags and moved swiftly to a segregation area away
from the worksite. The same procedure applies for radioactive dust
contamination. The Company NBC team should measure radiation prior to filter
removal to determine extent of safety procedures required per the NBC Annex to
the unit Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). The segregation area in which the
contaminated air filters are temporarily stored shall be marked with appropriate
NBC placards. Final disposal of contaminated air filters shall be in accordance
with local SOP. Decontamination operation shall be in accordance with TM 3-220
and local SOP.
a. Removal.
Tag and mark connectors, hoses, and
(1) Disconnect connector (1).
(2) Disconnect hoses (2 and 3).
(3) Loosen clamp (4) and remove filter (5).
wires before removal.