TM 9-2320-279-34-3
M977, M985, and M984E1 Crane Maintenance Instructions (Cont)
Remove two screws (11), stop pin (12), and stop (13).
Keep out from under heavy parts. Falling parts may cause
serious injury or death.
Attach suitable lifting device and remove subframe (10).
b. Installation.
(1) Install stop (1), stop pin (2), and two screws (3).
(2) Aline and install subframe (4).
Soldier A installs four spacers (5), washers (6), and
screws (7) while Soldier B installs four spacers (8),
washers (9), and nuts (10).
Repeat step (3) for other side.
Install screw (11) and nut (12) in cable guide (13).
c. Follow-on Maintenance.
(1) Install junction box (para 6-11).
(2) Install swing drive (para 17-9).
(3) Install turntable (para 17-5).
(4) Install boom (para 17-10).
(5) Connect clearance light wiring harness
(TM 9-2320-279-20).
(6) Install fenders (TM 9-2320-279-20).