TM 9-2320-279-34-3
M978 Tanker Maintenance Procedures Instructions (Cont)
Remove eight studs (39) from volute casing (13).
Remove wear ring (40).
Remove pipe plug (41).
b. Cleaning/Inspection.
Adhesives, solvents, and sealing compounds can burn easily, can give off harmful
vapors, and are harmful to skin and clothing. To avoid injury or death, keep away
from open fire and use in well-ventilated area. If adhesive, solvent, or sealing
compound gets on skin or clothing, wash immediately with soap and water.
Clean all metal parts in drycleaning solvent.
Inspect seal assembly and shaft sleeve for nicks, cuts, and other visible damage.
Inspect impeller vanes, seal plate, intermediate housing, coupling halves, and inside of volute
casing for pitting, scratches, burrs, nicks, cracks, and other visible damage.
Inspect bearings for pitting, cracks, scoring, and other visible damage.
Inspect impeller shaft, bearing retainers, shims, and machined surfaces for pitting, cracks, nicks,
burrs, grooves, and other visible damage.
(5.1) Inspect impeller shaft sleeve for grooves, nicks, pitting and other damage. Replace if necessary.
Measure inside diameter of wear ring and outside diameter of impeller where they mate.
Difference should be 0.010-in. (0.254 mm), or less.
Inspect coupling halves for nicks, cracks, and other visible damage to metal and rubber parts.
Inspect seal spring for kinks, cracks, and other visible damage.
Inspect wear ring and stationary seal for nicks, scratches, burrs, and other visible damage.
Replace all damaged and worn parts.
Install pipe plug (1) in volute casing (2).
Install wear ring (3).
Install eight studs (4).
Change 3