Remove six screws (43),
lockwashers (44), shims (46), and end
cap (45). Clean off old sealant.
Add any combination of shims (46) to
equal 0.060 in. (1.5 mm).
(37.1) Apply sealing compound between
shims (46) and install shims.
TM 9-2320-279-34-1
Transfer Case Maintenance Instructions (Cont)
Apply pipe thread sealing compound to
threads of plug (42).
Install outer ball (40), outer spring (41),
and plug (42).
After checking end play (steps (38) through
(43)), remove screws, lockwashers, and end
cap. Apply sealing compound to threads of six
screws. Repeat step (38), then go to step (44).
Install end cap (45) with six
lockwashers (44) and screws (43).
Tighten screws to 60 lb-ft (81 Nm).
Remove plug (47) from end cap (45).
Clean off old sealant.
Thread a 3/8 in. x 4 in. (9.5 mm x 102 mm) long coarse-thread screw (48) through hole in end
cap (45).
Mount dial indicator on machined surface with indicator shaft resting on screw (48).
Pry or lift up on screw (48) to check end play.
Add or remove any combination of three available shims (46) as needed to provide 0.003 to
0.006 in. (0.08 to 0.15 mm) end play. Refer to steps (36) through (42) to add or remove shims.
Remove screw (48).
Apply sealing compound to plug (47) and install.
Change 3