TM 9-2320-279-34-1
Transmission Maintenance Instructions (Cont)
(18) Engage shaft of reamer and shaft assembly with pilot
t o o l .
Keep reamer rotating at full drill speed when pulling
back through bushing. If reamer is not rotating at full
drill speed, bushing could be damaged.
Using 1/2-in. (13 mm) electric drill, machine bushing
at approximately 75 to 150 rpm while adding
lubricating oil in bore at sides of sun gear shaft (9).
Check inner diameter of bushings for runout. Runout
must not exceed 0.002 in. (0.05 mm) total indicator
reading. Surface finish should be 30-microinch
(0.762 micrometer).
Thoroughly clean sun gear shaft (9) of chips and
(22) Install bearing (10) on rear carrier assembly (11).
(23) Position rear carrier assembly (11) on transmission drum (12).
(24) Install retaining ring (13).