TM 9-2320-279-34-1
Electrical System Maintenance Instructions (Cont)
Connect test leads between shaft (9) and each slipring (10) consecutively. Low resistance in
either test indicates rotor coil is grounded. Do not repair or further test alternator.
Connect test leads to each slipring (10). Resistance should be zero.
Measure diameter of sliprings (10). If less than 0.767 in. (19.48 mm), do not repair or further
test alternator.
Measure diameter of shaft (9). If less than 0.871 in. (22.12 mm) do not repair or further test
Adhesives, solvents, and sealing compounds can burn easily, can give off harmful
vapors, and are harmful to skin and clothing. To avoid injury or death, keep away
from open fire and use in well-ventilated area. If adhesive, solvent, or sealing
compound gets on skin or clothing, wash immediately with soap and water.
To prevent damage to insulation, do not soak stator or rotor in solvents.
Clean stator and rotor with drycleaning solvent and clean cloth.
Compressed air used for cleaning purposes will not exceed 30 psi (207 kPa). Use
only with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment, goggles,
shield, and gloves.
Dry with compressed air or dry cloth.
Clean all other components, except bearings, in drycleaning solvent.
Inspect electrical assemblies for damage, frayed or bare wires, or loose connections.
Inspect mechanical assemblies for damage. Check for old or excess grease.
Clean rectifier assembly holes and terminal screws to ensure good electrical contact.
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