TM 9-2320-279-34-1
Electrical System Maintenance Instructions (Cont)
Mark position of connector assembly before removing.
Damage to regulator may result if improperly installed.
(31) Remove two screws (59) and connector
assembly (60).
(32) Remove three nuts (61) and lockwashers (62).
(33) Remove three nuts (63), washers (64), and three
terminal studs (65) from regulator holder (54).
b .
(1) Set multimeter to 10K range on RX scale. Touch
negative ( - ) test lead to positive rectifier (1).
(2) Touch positive (+) test lead to each of three eyelet
terminals (2) in turn. If resistance is low, positive
rectifier (1) is defective.
(3) Connect positive (+) test lead to positive
rectifier (1).
(4) Touch negative ( -) test lead to each of three
eyelet terminals (2) in turn. If resistance is high,
positive rectifier is defective.
(5) Connect negative (-) test lead to negative
rectifier (3).
(6) Touch positive (+) test lead to each of three eyelet
terminals (2) in turn. If resistance is high, negative rectifier (3) is defective.
(7) Connect positive (+) test lead to negative rectifier (3).
(8) Touch negative (-) test lead to each of three eyelet terminals (2). If resistance is low, negative
rectifier (3) is defective.
Perform step (9) only if positive or negative rectifier is bad.
When disconnecting rectifiers, cut wires from bad rectifier as close as possible
to ring terminals.
Cut three wires (4) just below three eyelet terminals (2).
Touch one test lead to bare metal surface on stator (5)
and other test lead to each of three stator ring
terminals (6, 7, and 8), in turn. Low resistance
indicates stator is grounded. Replace stator.
Touch test leads to stator ring terminals (6 and 7), (7
and 8), and (6 and 8), and read resistance across each
set of terminals. If resistance is high, stator (5) is