M983 with crane and M985E1 without winch are no
Example: Lift Cylinder Pivot of M977 and M985
longer in the fleet. Ignore all references to these ve-
crane shows lubrication interval of
hicles. The M984E1 and M984A1 are the same ve-
Q/250 HR. This means that the lift cylin-
hicle. All references to M984E1 shall be interpreted
der pivot is to be lubricated every three
as the M984A1 model.
months or every 250 hours of vehicle op-
eration, whichever comes first.
Intervals (on-condition or hardtime) and the related
man-hour times are based on normal operation.
The man-hour time specified is the time needed to
do all the services prescribed for a particular inter-
Adhesives, solvents, and sealing compounds
val. On-condition (OC) oil sample intervals shall be
can burn easily, can give off harmful vapors,
applied unless changed by the Army Oil Analysis
and are harmful to skin and clothing. To avoid
Program (AOAP) laboratory. Change the hardtime
injury or death, keep away from open fire and
interval if lubricants are contaminated or if operating
use in well-ventilated area. If adhesive, sol-
the equipment under adverse operating conditions,
vent, or sealing compound gets on skin or
including longer-than-usual operating hours. The
clothing, wash immediately with soap and wa-
calendar interval may be extended during periods
of low activity. If extended, adequate preservation
precautions must be taken. Hardtime intervals will
Cleaning fittings before lubrication. Clean parts with
be applied in the event AOAP laboratory support is
dry cleaning solvent (SD P-D-680) or equivalent.
not available. Hardtime intervals must be applied
Dry before lubricating. Dotted arrow points indicate
during the warranty period.
lubrication on both sides of the equipment.
Intervals shown in this lubrication order are based
Lubrication after fording. If fordings occur, lubricate
on calendar and hourly times or calendar times and
all fittings below fording depth and check sub-
mileage. An example of a calendar and hourly lu-
merged gearboxes for presence of water.
brication interval is: M/60 HR, in which M stands for
monthly and 60 HR stands for 60 hours of vehicle
operation. An example of a mileage and calendar
Lubrication after high-pressure washing. After a
interval is: 1.5/Q, in which 1.5 stands for 1,500 miles
thorough washing, lubricate all grease fittings and
(2400 km), and Q stands for quarterly (every three
oilcan points outside and underneath vehicle.
months). The lubrication is to be performed at
whichever interval occurs first for the vehicle. Spe-
Level of maintenance. The lowest level of mainte-
cial lubrication intervals and services are shown by
nance authorized to lubricate a point is indicated by
the use of asterisk (*) symbols.
either Operator/crew (C) or Organizational Mainte-
nance (0). Operator/crew (C) may lubricate points
Determination of operating hours. The reading on
authorized for Organizational Maintenance (0)
the vehicle hourmeter, which is part of the tachome-
when authorized by Organizational Maintenance
ter in the driver's instrument panel, is the basis of
(0). Notes are located on cards 32 through 35.
all lubrication intervals that are based on hours of
operation. When hour-based intervals are shown
Localized views. A reference to the appropriate
for components that are operated for only part of the
localized view is given after most lubrication entries.
vehicle operating time, use the hourmeter reading
Localized views begin on card 18.
of component vs vehicle operating time have al-
Reporting errors and recommending improve-
ready been figured into the intervals shown in the
ments. You can help improve this manual. If you find
lubrication order.
any mistakes or if you know of a way to improve the
procedure, please let us know. Mail your letter or
DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publi-
cations and Blank forms) direct to: Commander,
U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Com-
mand, ATTN: AMSTA-AC-NML, Rock Island, IL
61299-7630. A reply will be furnished direct to you.
LO 9-2320-279-12