TM 9-2320-360-24P
g. U/M (Column (7)). The Unit of Measure (U/M) indicates the measure (e.g., foot, gallon, pound) or count
(e.g., each, dozen, gross) of a listed item. A two-character alpha code (e.g., FT, GL, LB, EA, DZ, GR) appears in
this column to indicate the measure or count. If the U/M code appearing in this column differs from the Unit of
Issue (U/l) code listed in the Army Master Data File (AMDF), request the lowest U/I that will satisfy your needs.
h. QTY INC IN UNIT (Column (8)). The Quantity Incorporated in Unit (CITY INC IN UNIT) indicates the
quantity of the item used in the breakout shown on the illustration figure, which is prepared for a functional group,
subfunctional group, or an assembly. A V appearing in this column in lieu of a quantity indicates that no specific
quantity is applicable (e.g., shims, spacers).
a. USABLE ON CODE title appears in the lower right corner of column (6), Description. Usable on codes are
shown in the right-hand margin of the description column. Uncoded items are applicable to all models.
Identification of the usable on codes used in this publication are:
Used on
Model M 1070
b. Bulk materials required to manufacture items are listed in the Bulk Material Group of this manual. Items
that are to be made from bulk material are identified in the description column by part number and CAGE in this
manual. Detailed manufacturing instructions for items source coded to be manufactured or fabricated are found in
TM 9-2320-360-20, Unit Maintenance Manual for Truck, Tractor, M1070, 8x8, Heavy Equipment Transporter,
and TM 9-2320-360-34, Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Manual for Truck, Tractor, Ml 070,
8x8, Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET).
c. Detailed assembly instructions for items source coded to be assembled from component spare/repair parts
are found in TM 9-2320-360-20, Unit Maintenance Manual for Truck, Tractor, M1070, 8x8, Heavy Equipment
Transporter, and TM 9-2320-360-34, Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Manual for Truck,
Tractor, M1070, 8x8, Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET). Items that make up the assembly are listed
immediately following the assembled item entry.
d. Line item entries for repair parts kits and sets appear at the end of the book in FGC 9401.
e. Items which have the word BULK in the figure number column will have an index number shown in the
item number column. This index number is furnished for use as a cross-reference between the National Stock
Number/Part Number Index and the bulk material list in Section II.
f. The following publications pertain to the HET Tractor and its components:
TM 9-2320-360-10, Operators Manual for Truck, Tractor, M1070,8x8, Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET)
TM 9-2320-360-10-HR, Hand Receipt Manual for Truck, Tractor, M1070, 8x8, Heavy Equipment Transporter
LO 9-2320-360-12, Lubrication Order for Truck, Tractor, M1070, 8x8, Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET)
TM 9-2320-360-20 (Volumes 1, 2, and 3), Unit Maintenance Manual for Truck, Tractor, M1070, 8x8, Heavy
Equipment Transporter (HET)
TM 9-2320-360-34 (Volumes 1 and 2), Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Manual for Truck,
Tractor, M1070, 8x8, Heavy Equipment Transporter (HET)
TB 9-2320-360-14, Warranty Technical Bulletin for Truck, Tractor, M1070, 8x8, Heavy Equipment Transporter
g. Throughout the Electrical System section, Functional Group Code (FGC) 0600, there are several cases
where electrical harness illustrations are continued on succeeding page(s). Leader lines are shown to indicate
where the illustrations connect. See page 2-240, Figure 88, Sheets 1 of 4 and 2 of 4 for an example of this