TM 9-2320-279-34-2
Steering System Maintenance Instructions (Cont)
a. Adjustment.
Do steps (1) through (1.3) for tires without mold
line. Go to step (1.4) for tires with mold line.
Chock wheels on axle No. 3.
(1.1) Jack up axles and position jackstands
under each side of suspension beams.
A sharpened piece of steel stock will be
used as a marking device and a jackstand
will make the marking device stationary.
Use a clamp to hold steel stock to
jackstand. The marking device must be
able to make a visible mark on the tire.
A visible mark must be made as close
to the centerline of the tire as
(1.2) Soldier A spins tire (1). Soldier B holds steel stock in place at centerline of tire. Soldier A
continues turning tire until a visible mark is made around entire diameter of tire.
(1.3) Lower axles and remove chock blocks.
(1.4) Drive vehicle straight back and
then straight forward a few feet
(TM 9-2320-279-10).
Stop vehicle and turn steering
wheel straight ahead
(TM 9-2320-279-10).
Set parking brake
(TM 9-2320-279-10).
Soldier A and Solder B measure
and mark all four front tires (1)
15 in. (381 mm) above ground
on front and rear of each tire.
Center of each tire is indicated by scribe
or mold line down the middle of tire.
Measurement is taken from line.
Measure and record front and
rear distances (2) between centers
of tires (1) on axle No. 1 (3).
Repeat step (5) for axle No. 2.
Change 2