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Operation Under Unusual Conditions (Cont)
c . P e r f o r m I m m e d i a t e A c t i o n F o r L o s s o f H y d r a u l i c S y s t e m.
Failure of hydraulic system will stop operation of any
crane, winch, or hydraulic motor on vehicle. All cranes
and winches are equipped with automatic locking
mechanisms to hold cranes and winches in position they
were in before hydraulics failed.
(1) Do not try to continue operation of any crane or winch (except M983
(2) Perform emergency hydraulic operations using hand pump for M983
crane (para 2-48e).
(3) Do not try to repair hydraulic system.
(4) Perform fuel handling operations using auxiliary pump (M978 tanker
only, para 2-48f).
Steering wheel will be harder to turn after failure of
hydraulic system.
(5) If failure occurs while driving, continue steering as before.
(6) Notify organizational maintenance.
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