TM 9-2320-279-10-1
Change 8
Operation Under Unusual Conditions (Cont)
Turn vehicle slowly when on loose sand or mud.
Steer vehicle straight up and down hills if possible.
To move vehicle forward and turn after vehicle is stopped in loose sand or
mud, do the following:
Set transmission range selector (4 or 4.1) to R.
Press throttle treadle (5) and move vehicle straight back about 20 ft
(6.1 m).
Release throttle treadle (5) and press brake treadle (6).
Set transmission range selector (4 or 4.1) to position 1.
Release brake treadle (6) and press throttle treadle (5) to move
vehicle forward.
Turn vehicle gradually.
Set transmission range selector (4 or 4.1) to position D when vehicle
picks up speed and is moving forward smoothly.
m. If vehicle starts to skid, do the following:
Release throttle treadle (5).
Steer in direction of skid until vehicle stops skidding.
Press throttle treadle (5) slowly and steer vehicle on straight course.