TM 9-2320-279-10-1
M978 Tanker Operating Procedures (Cont)
b . L o a d T a n k e r W i t h N e w F u e l .
(1) Load tank with 300 gal (1 136 l) of fuel or fuel grade to be carried
(para 2-22).
(2) Circulate fuel through complete piping system and both fuel delivery
hoses (para 2-24).
(3) Repeat section (a.) of this procedure.
(4) Notify organizational maintenance to replace filter elements in
(5) Load tank with fuel or fuel grade to be carried (para 2-22).
(6) Shut off engine (para 2-11p).
2 - 2 6 . 1 T R A N S F E R O F F U E L B E T W E E N T A N K E R V E H I C L E S .
N o te
l Top loading through the manhole will only be done in
emergency situations, when bottom loading is not possi-
ble, and only by order of the Unit Commander.
l When transferring fuel between tanker vehicles the pump
on only one vehicle is required. Procedures for transfer of
fuel shall be coordinated between the two vehicle opera-
tors so that only one pump is in operation.
a. Transfer Fuel from a Tanker Truck or Trailer to a HEMTT.
When transferring fuel to a HEMTT from another tanker truck or trailer,
follow instructions including all WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, and NOTES,
for loading tanker with fuel (para 2-22.a, 2-22.b, or 2-22.c) with the follow-
ing changes.
Bond and ground the vehicle. Connect the HEMTT SR1 and SR2 static ca-
bles to vehicle from which fuel is to be transferred and to grounding de-
If transferring through bottom loading, connect enough suction hoses to-
gether to keep at lease 25 feet between vehicles. The end of the suction
hose which is connected to the fuel supply will be connected in accordance
with the applicable tanker truck or trailer technical manuals.
During fuel transfer between tankers, the fuel station operator is replaced
by the operator of the tanker truck or trailer from which fuel is being trans-
The transferring tanker may be emptied before the receiving HEMTT is
full. In this case the fuel flow WILL NOT shut off automatically. Care
should be taken when transferring fuel using the receiving HEMTT pump
to avoid running the pump when there is no more fuel to be transferred.
Change 4