TM 9-2320-279-10-1Change 8 2-45Table 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Models M977 thru M985E1LocationItemNo.IntervalItem toCheck/ServiceCrewmemberProcedureNot Fully MissionCapable If:DRIVER14BeforeGear Shift(Non-FHTVonly)a. TransmissionCheck transmission shift le-ver operation. With engineswitch in “ON” position, moveshift lever from “N” to “1” thenback to “N”. Lever shouldmove freely through all rangedetents.Lever inoperable orbinds between rangedetents.b. Transfer CaseCAUTIONVehicle must be parked whenmaking this check. Transfercase will be damaged if shiftedwhile vehicle is moving.Check transfer case shift le-ver operation. With transmis-sion in “N” shift transfer leverthrough all range positions.Lever should move freelythrough all range positions.Lever inoperable orbinds between rangedetents.15BeforeEngineRetarderCheck engine retarder for properoperation. With engine runningand transmission in neutral “N”run engine at 1900 to 2100 rpm.Place engine brake switch to“ON”. Lift foot off throttle treadleand listen for a popping or chatter-ing sound, which indicates the en-gine brake is engaged.Engine retarder doesnot engage.16BeforeSteeringCheck steering wheel foroperation. With engine running,turn steering wheel from left toright. Steering wheel shouldmove freely.Steering wheelinoperable or binds.
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