MWO 9-2320-279-20-3
(9) Remove three positive battery cables (19)
and STE/lCE wire (20) from terminal (14).
(6) Remove two nuts (12) and screws (13).
(10) Remove two nuts (21), screws (22), and
jumper cable assembly (23).
DO NOT pry between terminals
and top of battery. Prying can
cause damage to battery case. If
the cable cannot be removed by
hand from the post, use a terminal
remover tool.
(7) Disconnect two positive cable terminals
(14) from battery posts (15).
(11) Remove two nuts (24) and one bracket
(12) Using handles (26), lift out one front
(8) Remove one nut (16), Iockwasher (17),
battery (27).
and screw (18) from front terminal (14).