TM 9-2320-279-10-1Operators Maintenance (Cont)3-9. SERVICE TIRES (CONT). WARNINGWhile changing tires or while performing tiremaintenance stay out of the trajectory as shown bythe area indicated. Failure to follow properprocedures may result in injury or death topersonnel.Under some circumstances, the trajectory maydeviate from its expected path. Failure to followproper procedures may result in injury or death topersonnel.Never inflate a tire without checking to ensure thatthe side ring is still properly seated and the lockringis properly seated in the lockring groove. Ensure thatthe side ring, lockring and lockring groove are notdamaged. The side ring and lockring may blow offduring inflation/deflation resulting in injury or deathto personnel.Improperly seated lockrings and side rings may blowoff during inflation. Never attempt to seat a lockringor side ring during or after inflation. Serious injuryor death may result.When inflating tires mounted on the vehicle, allpersonnel must remain out of the trajectory of theside ring and lockring as shown by the areasindicated. Failure to follow proper procedures mayresult in serious injury or death to personnel.If the tire has been driven on underinflated oroverinflated, or there is obvious or suspected damageon the tire or wheel components, the tire must becompletely deflated by removing the valve core fromthe valve stem before the wheel is removed from thevehicle, or personal injury or death may result.NOTETrajectory as shown applies to all wheel/tire assemblies.(5)If tire is underinflated or overinflated or if the wheel or tire hasobvious damage or is suspected of damage, remove valve core (9) fromvalve stem (6). When tire is completely deflated, remove from vehicleand take to Unit Maintenance for disassembly and repair and installspare tire on vehicle (para 3-6d).(6)If tire is not under-inflated or overinflated and the wheel or tire doesnot have obvious damage or is not suspected of damage, press airchuck (8) onto valve stem (6), stand out of trajectory and inflate ordeflate until proper pressure is attained (see Table 3-3). Press latchhandle (7) and pull air chuck (8) from valve stem (6). Install valvecap (5).(7)Shut off engine (para 2-11p).3-62.8Change 5
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